Hudson River Landscape Sketches II...

Here are some of the Pen drawings that I did in my sketchbook...


Don Rogers said…
so at this point, what do you think of mark english's work?
Tyler said…
Goodness gracious, Todd.... these drawings and paintings are great!
Todd M. Casey said…
Thanks, guys... the top drawing may be in american artist magazine next month... the hudson river summer program is going to have a 14 page article, so keep an eye out for it...
bp360 said…
wuddup tee oh double dee - nice work mans - you still rockin the character illustrations or moving on to the high brow stuff? American Artist - thats sweet man - congrats. Good to see your work - I check in from time to time - hope alls well back on the east coast - We're holdin it down here out west - Miguel Franceschi moved away as you know - so thats a bummer - but we had a pretty lil girl bout 11.64 weeks ago. THeres some pix on my blog - check her out shes amazing. You should come out for our annual snowbowl extravaganza - we might get that place in tahoe again in Jan/Feb... peese.

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