The show "The Modern Atelier" at the Whistler House will open on January 12, 2013. I've worked on putting this show together for the last 2 years. If you can't make it, please do stop by and see the show. The Modern Atelier The Methods of Todays Training Todd Casey, Carla Crawford, Angela Cunningham, Gregory Mortenson, and Travis Seymour January 12 to February 23, 2013 Reception: January 12, 2 to 4 pm Whistler House Museum of Art/ Lowell Art Association, Inc. est. 1878 243 WORTHEN STREET, LOWELL, MA 01852-1822 978-452-7641 Atelier training is a form of training that was popular through the Middle Ages all the way up through the 18th and 19th Century. Many Americans sought fine art training in the professional studios of French painters in the 19th Century. The word translates in french to "workshop" and usually consists of a professional Painter or Sculptor and a small number of students that act as apprentices. This show encompasses ...